Compiled by: Richard W. Woodley
California (1995)
In July 1995 the California Public Health Foundation, in association with the California Department of Health Services, announced a project to assess the results of exposure of California public school and day care center personnel and students to both external power line frequency electric and magnetic fields (EMFs), and to internal sources of EMFs such as building wiring, electrical equipment, and lighting.
The goal of this project is to provide information to assist decision makers in prioritizing school policy options if further research studies suggest that power line frequency EMF exposures are associated with increased health risk.
California (1995)
The California Public Utilities Commission advised cellular telephone companies not to build antennas near schools or hospitals.
California - Laguna Beach (1995)
Parents for the Elimination of the Schoolyard Tower (PEST) is fighting to have a cellular tower, erected by Air Touch Cellular, from their schoolyard. The Laguna Beach Unified School District filed court action on August 30, 1995 and the company has now agreed to meet with PEST representaives.
California - San Francisco (1996)
Cellular towers have been banned on school property in San Francisco.
Florida - Boca Raton (1998)
Two hundred and fifty students transferred out of an elementary school in Boca Raton, Florida that installed a cell tower in the middle of the school.
A magnet program designed to attract and encourage students to transfer has had an unexpected event occur. Calusa Elementary in Boca Raton lost 30% of its students due to transfers to the new magnet school in the area. While most other schools only lost 40-60 students, Calusa Elementary, which had had recently installed a cell tower smack in the middle of the school-directly over the kid, lost close to 250 children.
The school District of Palm Beach County Florida is still scratching their skull. This school district has an indefinite moratorium on towers since 1987.
LOCATION: Montecito, Santa Barbara County
DHS confirmed a cluster of childhood leukemia and lymphoma in Montecito from 1981 to 1988 at a rate 5 times higher than would be expected during an eight-year period in a city of its size. DHS has been unable to pinpoint a specific environmental cause. Community members were concerned about possible health effects from electromagnetic fields (EMF) levels coming from the transformer station near the elementary school and DHS did find elevated EMF at the school.