The two SMUSD cell towers were built without any building permits, inspections or tests.

The two SMUSD cell towers were built without any building permits, inspections or tests.
Cell tower fires cannot be fought with water or foam and are left to burn out on its own. Century windstorms have exceeded the wind ratings of the cell towers and the seismic rating of the cell towers are unknown. In 2000 Los Angeles Unified School District banned cell towers on and near school campuses.

Friday, March 13, 2015


Cell Tower at San Marino High School Slated for Removal
By Mitch Lehman

Score a victory for a small but persistent group of parents in the San Marino Unified School District who appear to have pulled off what was previously unthinkable: the removal of a 60’ cell tower that for eight years was located just west of Titan Stadium on the campus of San Marino High School.
“I think it’s a win for the community,” said Dr. Alex Cherniss, San Marino Unified School District superintendent. “We just don’t think a cell tower is compatible with the high school campus.”
The battle continues, however, over the fate of a cell tower located in the maintenance yard between Huntington Middle School and Valentine Elementary School that has drawn equal criticism – and was never officially permitted. That tower is owned by Verizon Wireless, who is, ironically, currently selling off some of their transmission structures with American Tower a frequent buyer.
Both tower owners still need to find a suitable replacement location and American Tower is reportedly looking at the abandoned HOWS Market, just east of San Marino City limits on Huntington Drive.

An earlier plan to relocate the Huntington/Valentine tower to the goat grazing median strip of Old Mill Rd. at the intersection of Huntington Drive was met with opposition from residents who live in that area.

“We are not in the end zone yet,” Cherniss added, after discussing the many options and issues that still remain. “We still have a several more details to iron out. But credit to the cell tower operators: They have heard our concerns.”

“On behalf of the Cell Tower Advisory Committee, we’re very excited about this,” said Chair Anthony Paul Diaz, who stated the pressing concern he heard was about the structural integrity of the tower.

“It’s a very positive step and it shows their willingness to be a good community partner.”
Diaz also acknowledged the advisory committee’s efforts to relocate the Huntington/Valentine tower, and added “there is some indication that Verizon is willing to work with the school district to relocate as well. We would like to see both cell towers relocated to a more appropriate area,” Diaz said.
The Tribune’s Krista Daly contributed to this story.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

At March 10's School Board meeting, the Superintendent Cherniss announced that American Tower has agreed to relocate the cell tower away from SMHS.
The City is now responsible for finding a new site for relocation. Now the ball is in the City's court and we must continue to ask the City to conclude this as soon as possible.
We are thrilled. But efforts should not stop here. It's time for us to push the city even harder now for alternative sites for the TWO towers. Let's get things rolling while the momentum is in our favor.

Please take the time to thank the School Board for their efforts in making the impossible happen. 

Superintendent: Dr. Alex Cherniss <> and school board members:

Thank you everyone for your support!